
Yoga Teacher
Yoga constantly teaches me the wonder of awareness towards myself and life lived with others. It’s such a gift to be able to share this with you. I came to yoga through meditation. Yoga breath awareness gives centering into stillness that finds the calm place that is always within each and everyone of us. Yoga prompts this every time in daily life.
I trained as a Yoga Teacher in 2017 with Ashram Om In mallorca
The style of yoga I teach is Hatha Flow classes with the focus around yoga that welcomes all as you are.
I shall be teaching you valuable yoga tools to take of the mat too.
How movement,breath,deeper rest and Meditation give Rise to you becoming more intune with your body how it wants to move by being kind to yourself.
This is a invitation to Meet yourself where you are right now,
through using Yoga Breathing Techniques that immediately connect you back to the physical movement practice with the application of mindful following which has the ability to aid change and even healing. Yoga is for the Health and Wellbeing of body mind and soul.
I work as a physiotherapist both in the NHS and privately. My passion for continual learning about the body, mind and soul connection in conjunction with physical health is a great interest of mine and is ongoing.
Both Yoga and Physiotherapy complement each other beautifully as I have a good understanding of the physical body and its medical side, combined with the holistic approach.
Yoga is a wonderful way to create balance in life, an opportunity to find moments of stillness and presence amongst chaos such a benefit whilst juggling life with two beautiful, young daughters and working.
I love that Yoga aids my perspective finding, and the belief that "one is always enough"
I am with you here right on this page to share how Yoga is a constant throughout all the shape shifting life presents.
Yoga simply shows up in your body with practice.
I Look forward to meeting you on your mat.
Namaste Cath x
'One is Always Enough'
Extract from a poem by Jennifer Williamson (I am enough)
I am the rest inside the unrest,
I am the depth of the sky,
And the light piercing the sea.
I am the crests of a wave.
All that I need to be,
I am.
Beyond the shadows,
That I have created,
The message remains:
I am the same.
I have always been enough.
Simply by being here.
Simply by being.