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Silent Sitting in The Om Every Wednesday

Wed, 06 Apr


The Om Studio

A space of Nothing that has no content no script no teacher no agenda. The Silence is the teacher.

Silent Sitting in The Om Every Wednesday
Silent Sitting in The Om Every Wednesday

Time & Location

06 Apr 2022, 18:00 – 18:40

The Om Studio, 39, Queens Park Parade, Northampton NN2 6LP, UK

About the event

Silent Sitting

Date: Every Wednesday 

Time: 6 - 6.40pm

Exchange: Nothing to pay

Booking: Please email

● Silent Sitting ● 

This Silent Space in the Om Studio will begin with a Bell and finish with a Bell to indicate the start and finish of this Silent sitting. 

Love and knowing beyond knowing such silence. 

A space of Nothing that has no content no script no teacher no agenda. 

The Silence is the teacher.  

Dear one... 

● Silence came first and gave rise to any movement inside belonging to individuality. 'Deeper we go silence' 

● Silence sees all, the inner witness that sees the person with there story carrying content for richer and poorer for better or worse is the individuals own interpretation. 'And Deeper we go silence' 

● Silence there there Witness you have no role to play just witness please just witnessing only that. 'And deeper we go" 

● Leave only what is here Now this Empty vessel of Beingness. 'And deeper we go' 

● Silence just am the back drop thats here Welcome to your truest view point of being. 'Uncomplicated silent seening through thy mighty self' 

●Om shanti from your beloved silent power 

● Truest Silence moves beyond, way beyond the meditating person and Witnesser. 

● Silent Sitting Awaits You without  

This Silent Space has arisen through the pointings/teaching of most Beloved Mooji. 

I've been so deeply immersed in the pointing for quite a few years now there has been many silent retreats I've sat in and life is a constant Satsang. 

Many teachers I ossolate towards all seem to be singing the same song.  I've dedicated  my heart of hearts to their worldly words forever.  The first satsang with Muz Murray was some twenty years ago and that changed everything - the realisation of this invitation to be free from falsehood of mind began to reveal itself... 

And it all works quite beautifully without foresight. I now understand that I need to trust in life to bring everything I need in order to learn and awaken to this moment without a script from the mind...

In a nut shell the natural Sahaja state of being takes deep surrender and letting go to everything that comes, and having no resistance towards, none at all.

●The Mind●  

Untrue layers of the mind will uncover old conditioning and game playing of past pain. These will play out over and over until you become loyal to the 'seer' behind and beyond projections of mind.  Deeper we go until, simply like a leaf falling from a tree, a thought can be de-throned in awareness just like that! Like most things we must practice until it goes beyond practice.


●Silence is Truly Golden● 

Staying true to this is the key that just keeps on unlocking the doors of mind.   Never mind the mind. 

The more intimate one becomes with the silence the more one leaves the delusions of false self identity alone.  The aim being to find the un-becoming, the non event in all of life's happenings. This invitation invites us all as seemingly individuals yet connects us all in the oneness in the whole of beingness. 

In the company of Satsang the truest realisations have arisen in me and moved through me in the given silence. It's always been my truest truth discovering who and what my heart is here for - this is what keeps my attention here in the body mind soul Satsang. The true standing point, the peeling away to find the truth of being, freedom from overcoming the mind intensely (so much more could be shared here on how these intensities play out in the individual mind or many minds of the individual).


The true stand point Now is always here, it can never leave, it only awaits one thing to choose it over next thing. Let's drop deeper and free fall into the space of valuing the silent back drop of being. 

STOP NOW to allow permission for the real to show up by showing up to this moment NOW. 


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